
The Case for Consent in Modern Transactions

Consent in modern transactions

Providing access to personal identity information has become critical to nearly every transaction between individuals and organizations today. Whether you’re opening a new bank account, receiving medical care in-person or via a tele-health service, or arranging for delivery or pick-up of an online purchase, it’s common for the organization to require your personal information in order to validate that you are who claim to be and are seeking access to services for your stated purpose.

Given the recurring headlines about data breaches and misuse of information, individuals are justifiably concerned about how organizations are storing and using their data. We are all becoming increasingly aware that improper approaches, such as multipage privacy terms at initial sign-up, have enabled some organizations to amass big data that allows targeting of individual consumers and the sale or transfer of personal information. When individuals lack control over exactly which data they are sharing with whom and for how long, value and trust is lost. Pressure from individuals has justifiably led to new legislation governing information management and data privacy; the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) are the first of many citizen protection regulations that outline compliance requirements for organizations to ensure consumer data privacy.

The solutions today must empower organizations to: authenticate personal information, collect transparent consent for the use of data, provide data processors and data subjects with the ability to access evidence of consent, and ensure confidentiality and security when handling data at rest and during transit. This consent needs to be user-friendly and not buried in legal language or so vague and over-reaching that it is both ineffective and questionable. While many major players are talking about principles and models for building such a platform someday in the future, Airside offers it today. Privacy-by-design is a core value for our company and products.

Explore our products to learn more about our modern consent-driven approach to digital identity.

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