Own your digital identity
Your mobile ID is in your hands and it’s the fastest and most private way to prove who you are, every time

Your ID just caught up with your phone
Convenience + privacy. You need both to prove your identity with speed and ease. Verify your driver’s license or passport just once. Then, share and reshare it on your terms. From the time you enroll your ID to when you decide to store and share it, you’re in control.
Trust begins with verified identity
Prove your identity once, then securely control your ID for each step of your journey. Reusability makes your digital ID stronger, building greater trust between you and your favorite places.
Airside’s digital identity platform leverages technology trusted by the U.S. government and the world’s largest airlines and loved by millions of people to save time and protect privacy.
Optimize user experiences
Create enjoyable, personalized journeys by providing streamlined, touchless services. No fumbling for physical IDs. No worries about lost, stolen, or fake IDs. No creepy collection and use of identity data.
Increase security
Fight fraud and eliminate vulnerable data silos using our end-to-end, decentralized solution. Identities are verified against trusted data sources and data is encrypted on the user’s device and in transit.
Achieve data privacy
Keep data only in the hands of users. Opt-in, enrollment-based flow puts users in control. By enabling consent-driven, time-bound sharing, you’ll meet complex global and local regulatory compliance laws.
Reduce costs with reusability
Lighten onboarding and operational overhead by facilitating easy-to-share identity proofing. Users establish a verified identity once, then access more services with one click of their reusable ID.
Expedite integration
Speed up your sprint cycles. Safe, reliable, and cost-efficient identity verification and sharing capabilities are interoperable with existing legacy systems and the newest technologies.
Drive network growth
Leverage multidimensional identities, cross-vertically. Built with unique attributes and shared repeatedly for multiple services over time, their interconnections create network strength.
Privacy First. Human Always.®
Control of one’s personal information is a civil liberty. Airside is the world’s first and only privacy network that gives individuals complete control of their digital identity. We offer secure, scalable,
user-centric solutions that empower businesses to access shared customer information with integrity.
Give your customers great experiences, without interruptions
Reduce fraud and speed applicant transactions with identity proofing that is faster, easier, and more private
Trusted by millions
Members who use Airside's Digital Identity
Convenient Experiences Provided to our Members
Hours Saved by our Members
Customer Reviews
With Airside, the sky's the limit
Our digital identity experts are available to talk through your needs, answer questions, and set up a demo.