
Read our latest insights on digital identity and data privacy.

Digital Identity

The Perils of Centralized Databases

“Our investigations indicate that the total period during which the cyber-attacker(s) were able to access our systems was less than one month,” SITA said in an email. I was reminded about the perils of centralized databases, which continue to draw hackers like moths to a flame, with the recent announcement that SITA’s Passenger Service System

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Airside Covid Health Pass
Health Pass
Alison Sural

Health Pass

Back in March of last year, in the early days of the pandemic, we started thinking about how we could put our expertise to work in getting the world going again. Having spent over six years delivering our Mobile Passport App to 9 million people to facilitate more secure and streamlined processes at U.S. customs

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Digital Identity
Adam Tsao

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Blockchain

At Airside, we are committed to the belief that your digital IDs should be decentralized, highly encrypted and controlled by you, and that privacy should be technologically enforced. Naturally, people often ask whether our system relies on blockchain. The short answer is no, it does not. Don’t get me wrong— blockchain is a fascinating set

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Digital Identity
Alison Sural

Who are you? A better way to access and prove your identity.

Identity Management is Broken How do you prove your identity — to access an account, enter a venue, board a plane, buy a house? You reach for your passport, driver’s license, proof of address and other documents. Not only do you need to establish your identity each time for each separate service, but you also

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Airside Digital Identity and Cybersecurity

What Cybersecurity Means to Us

In 2019, the U.S. business sector had a whopping 17% increase in data breaches, according to the Identity Theft Resource Center. What’s even more alarming is that identity theft and identity fraud have skyrocketed during COVID-19 when our use of digital technology is not only a nicety, but a necessity to connect us with our

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Consent in modern transactions

The Case for Consent in Modern Transactions

Providing access to personal identity information has become critical to nearly every transaction between individuals and organizations today. Whether you’re opening a new bank account, receiving medical care in-person or via a tele-health service, or arranging for delivery or pick-up of an online purchase, it’s common for the organization to require your personal information in

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Airside Digital Identity Network and App
Alison Sural

Meet Airside

New Look, Same Soul Today marks an exciting day for Airside: we are unveiling our new brand, including our name, logo, and website! While we are excited about our new look, it’s so much more than graphics and colors; it’s a manifestation of our true mission, culture, and relationships. Our company has transformed tremendously since

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